Geometric Distribution in SystemVerilog

Posted on Fri 09 October 2020 in Logic


Despite the fact that SystemVerilog is a "kitchen sink of everything" programming language (the language reference manual is over 1300 pages long), for some reason it does not define an implementation of the geometric probability distribution. In this article, we will correct that oversight. We will explain what the geometric distribution is, and why it is useful for verification and/or validation. Finally, we will develop and test a high performance implementation that only uses a bit of floating point math and some pre-defined system tasks.

Testbench Transaction Scheduling

Figure 1 shows a rudimentary testbench setup for a logic design. For simplicity, we are not concerned with verification methodology (ie VMM, OVM, UVM, etc), or any other testbench implementation details. The testbench drives stimulus to the design under test (DUT) inputs, the DUT performs some useful operation, and the DUT drives outputs to the testbench. Assume this is a synchronous design with a single clock. Furthermore, assume the "control" signals require a handshake from transmitter to receiver, similar to a ready/valid protocol. That is, the testbench response side can backpressure the DUT, and the DUT can backpressure the testbench stimulus side.

Figure 1: Testbench and Design Under Test

The conventional name for a single transfer of data between the testbench and DUT is a "transaction". There are two important aspects to the transaction:

  • what data is being transferred
  • when does the transfer happen (what clock cycle for a synchronous design)

SystemVerilog provides a large set of tools and techniques for generating constrained-random transaction data. For example, if the DUT in Figure 1 is an adder, you can represent the stimulus using constrained random variables:

class Data;
    rand bit [31:0] op_a;
    rand bit [31:0] op_b;
    rand bit        carry_in;
endclass : Data

But how do we model transaction timing in SystemVerilog? It is easy to write logic that just sends new data whenever the interface is ready, but what is the correct way to think about inserting idle (or "delay") cycles? There are always corner cases hidden in tricky backpressure scenarios. What tools are available for modeling random stimulus and response schedules?

The naive approach is to write code like the following:

for (...) begin
    int delay;

    delay = $urandom_range(9, 1);
    repeat (delay) wait_one_clock_cycle();

Ignoring any additional delay from backpressure, this will produce a uniformly distributed delay schedule. That is, delays will range from 1 to 9 with equal probability, which will produce an average delay of \(\frac{1+9}{2} = 5\).

There are many, clever ways to generate a random amount of time between transactions. Rather than looking at techniques for implementing a smorgasbord of special cases, we will instead turn to queueing theory. The most common stochastic queueing models assume that interarrival and service times obey the exponential distribution. This is a continuous distribution, which means that time between events is modeled as a real (ie floating point) number. Since our DUT and testbench are synchronous, we can simplify the representation of time between events to be a positive integer. Therefore, we can use the discrete analogue of the exponential: the geometric distribution.

The Geometric Distribution

Suppose you are doing an experiment that consists of a number of independent trials that can either be classified as a "success" or a "failure". This type of trial is called a Bernoulli Trial. We will use the variable \(n\) to represent the number of independent trials, and \(p\) to represent the probability of a "success". The geometric distribution is a mathematical formula that tells you the probability \(P\) of having to perform \(n\) trials with probability of success \(p\) until you get exactly one "success". We apologize in advance for using both \(P\) and \(p\) in the same formula to mean different things, but it is standard terminology.


The formula for the geometric distribution is:

\begin{equation*} P_{n} = p \cdot (1-p)^{n-1} \quad | \quad n \ge 1 \end{equation*}

The mean (or "expected value") \(\mu\) is:

\begin{equation*} \mu = \frac{1}{p} \end{equation*}

The variance \(\sigma\) is:

\begin{equation*} \sigma = \frac{1-p}{p^2} \end{equation*}

And the sum of all possible outcomes must equal \(1\) (ie 100% probability).

\begin{equation*} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{P_n} = 1 \end{equation*}

A full explanation of these formulas can be found in any good textbook on probability and statistics, or Wikipedia. For our purposes, we will take them at face value.


Taking a step back to connect the dots, why is the geometric distribution good for modeling the interarrival delay of transactions?

Figure 2 shows a chart of the geometric distributions of three values of \(p\): 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75.

Figure 2: Testbench and Design Under Test

For convenience, the following table lists more data points.

\(n\) \(p = 0.10\) \(p = 0.25\) \(p = 0.5\) \(p = 0.75\)
1 0.1000 0.2500 0.500000 0.75000000
2 0.0900 0.1875 0.250000 0.18750000
3 0.0810 0.1406 0.125000 0.04687500
4 0.0729 0.1055 0.062500 0.01171875
5 0.0656 0.0791 0.031250 0.00292969
6 0.0590 0.0593 0.015625 0.00073242
7 0.0531 0.0445 0.007813 0.00018311
8 0.0478 0.0334 0.003906 0.00004578
9 0.0430 0.0250 0.001953 0.00001144
10 0.0387 0.0188 0.000977 0.00000286
11 0.0349 0.0141 0.000488 0.00000072
12 0.0314 0.0106 0.000244 0.00000018
13 0.0282 0.0079 0.000122 0.00000004
14 0.0254 0.0059 0.000061 0.00000001
15 0.0229 0.0045 0.000031 0.00000000

Choosing \(p = 0.25\) yields an average interarrival rate of \(\mu = \frac{1}{0.25} = 4\). It will create a schedule that is randomly distributed using an exponentially decaying amount of delay that averages 4 clock cycles (posedge to posedge) between transactions. This corresponds to an average duty cycle of 25% (one active, three idle). Most (about 95%) of all transactions will have a delay between 1 and 10 cycles. However, you will still observe random delays of 15 with probability 0.45%. Due to the Markovian property of the geometric distribution, samples are independent of one another.

One other subtle benefit of using the geometric distribution is the ability to schedule non-integer average delay values. If you take the \(p = 0.75\) example from the table, this corresponds to an average duty cycle of 75%. This means on average you will see three transactions every four cycles. The interarrival rate is \(\mu = \frac{4}{3} \approx 1.33\). This type of delay pattern is difficult to achieve using uniformly distributed delay values.


Enough storytelling. Show me the code!

One approach to implementing a geometric distribution in SystemVerilog would be to write a DPI layer to an existing C library, such as the GNU Scientific Library. See the GSL documentation for implementations of several random number distributions.

A significant drawback of this approach is that using DPI can make your implementation difficult to port between environments. Not all simulators support DPI equally, and not all EDA-friendly operating systems (eg RedHat, SuSE) will have GSL installed by default. GSL is a dependency, dependencies add complexity, and complexity leads to additional costs.

Fortunately for us, there is a straightforward technique for simulating the geometric distribution, \(P_n = p \cdot (1-p)^{n-1}\). First, generate a number \(U\) uniformly distributed in (0, 1). Then calculate:

\begin{equation*} 1 + \Bigl\lfloor \frac{\ln U}{\ln (1-p)} \Bigr\rfloor \end{equation*}

The proof is easy enough for a non-mathematician to follow, but for the sake of brevity we will not attempt to reproduce it here. If you are curious about the details, consult Section 11.4 of Introduction to Probability Models for the detailed proof.

Uniform Random Floating Point Number

Unfortunately, SystemVerilog does not provide a builtin function or system task that returns a random floating point number in (0, 1). So we will need to write one.

While researching how to implement this function, I discovered that since floating point numbers are weird, the topic of uniformly distributed floating point numbers is very deep, and full of magic and mystery. A particularly interesting read on that subject is Daniel Lamire's blog post titled How many floating-point numbers are in the interval [0,1]?. Rather than diving down a rabbit hole, we will use the "good enough" approach of taking a uniformly distributed unsigned integer with \(N\) bits in \((0, 2^N)\), and divide it by \(2^N\). As you will see later, this technique produces better than adequate results.

// Uniform returns a random number uniformly distributed in (0, 1).
// It uses 48 bits of entropy, which should be more than enough.
function real Uniform();
    bit [47:0] rbits;

    // Get some random bits; throw away the rare '0' output.
    do begin
// Xilinx Vivado Simulator v2020.1.1 $urandom system task produces skewed
// results in bytes 0 and 3 of the output.
// As a workaround, only use bytes 1 and 2.
// See Xilinx Simulation and Verification Forum for more info:
        rbits[47:32] = ($urandom() >> 8);
        rbits[31:16] = ($urandom() >> 8);
        rbits[15: 0] = ($urandom() >> 8);
// Assume other simulators have balanced $urandom implementations.
// Your mileage may vary.
        rbits[47:32] = $urandom();
        rbits[31: 0] = $urandom();
    end while (rbits == 0);

    // (0, 2^48) / 2^48
    return $itor(rbits) / 281474976710656.0;
endfunction : Uniform


It is important to test whether your simulator's implementation of $urandom is uniformly distributed. A non-uniform implementation can lead to highly skewed results. If $urandom causes problems for you, there are several other ways of producing uniformly distributed, random integers on an interval.

Geometric Function

Now that we have an implementation of \(U\), a floating point number uniformly distributed in (0, 1), we can implement the rest:

// Geometric returns a random sample from a geometric distribution with
// probability of success 'p' in (0, 1].
function int Geometric(real p);
    real u;

    assert (p > 0 && p <= 1);

    if (p == 1.0) begin
        return 1;

    u = Uniform();
    return 1 + $rtoi($ln(u) / $ln(1.0 - p));
endfunction : Geometric


Putting all the pieces together, let's test out the implementation by taking one million samples from the Geometric function, using \(p = 0.20\).

module Top();

function real Uniform();
    // Replace with implementation
endfunction : Uniform

function int Geometric(real p);
    // Replace with implementation
endfunction : Geometric

// Note: tune these or replace with $value$plusargs command-line inputs
parameter real p = 0.20;
parameter int N = 1_000_000;

initial begin : main
    int histogram [int];
    longint sum_x, sum_xx;
    real expected_mean, expected_variance;
    real mean, variance;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) begin
        automatic int x = Geometric(p);
        histogram[x] += 1;
        sum_x  += x;
        sum_xx += x * x;

    $display("[==== Histogram ====]");
    for (int x = 1; ; x++) begin
        automatic real expected = p * (1-p)**(x-1) * N;
        $display("x = %4d: Exp %10.2f, Got %8d", x, expected, histogram[x]);
        if (expected < 1.0) break;


    $display("[==== Statistics ====]");
    expected_mean = (1.0 / p);
    mean = $itor(sum_x) / N;
    expected_variance = (1.0 - p) / p**2;
    variance = ($itor(sum_xx) - $itor(sum_x**2) / N) / (N-1);
    $display("Mean    : Exp %8.2f, Got %8.2f", expected_mean, mean);
    $display("Variance: Exp %8.2f, Got %8.2f", expected_variance, variance);
end : main

endmodule : Top

Using the simulator of your choice, you should be able to compile and simulate this code to produce an output similar to:

[==== Histogram ====]
x =    1: Exp  200000.00, Got   200261
x =    2: Exp  160000.00, Got   159731
x =    3: Exp  128000.00, Got   127969
x =    4: Exp  102400.00, Got   102460
x =    5: Exp   81920.00, Got    81786
x =    6: Exp   65536.00, Got    65772
x =    7: Exp   52428.80, Got    52204
x =    8: Exp   41943.04, Got    41806
x =    9: Exp   33554.43, Got    33595
x =   10: Exp   26843.55, Got    26788
x =   11: Exp   21474.84, Got    21884
x =   12: Exp   17179.87, Got    17024
x =   13: Exp   13743.90, Got    13489
x =   14: Exp   10995.12, Got    11108
x =   15: Exp    8796.09, Got     8907
x =   16: Exp    7036.87, Got     7131
x =   17: Exp    5629.50, Got     5709
x =   18: Exp    4503.60, Got     4518
x =   19: Exp    3602.88, Got     3732
x =   20: Exp    2882.30, Got     2766
x =   21: Exp    2305.84, Got     2233
x =   22: Exp    1844.67, Got     1756
x =   23: Exp    1475.74, Got     1508
x =   24: Exp    1180.59, Got     1203
x =   25: Exp     944.47, Got      913
x =   26: Exp     755.58, Got      759
x =   27: Exp     604.46, Got      611
x =   28: Exp     483.57, Got      485
x =   29: Exp     386.86, Got      378
x =   30: Exp     309.49, Got      306
x =   31: Exp     247.59, Got      235
x =   32: Exp     198.07, Got      197
x =   33: Exp     158.46, Got      133
x =   34: Exp     126.77, Got      130
x =   35: Exp     101.41, Got       92
x =   36: Exp      81.13, Got       69
x =   37: Exp      64.90, Got       68
x =   38: Exp      51.92, Got       57
x =   39: Exp      41.54, Got       48
x =   40: Exp      33.23, Got       35
x =   41: Exp      26.58, Got       32
x =   42: Exp      21.27, Got       21
x =   43: Exp      17.01, Got       23
x =   44: Exp      13.61, Got       19
x =   45: Exp      10.89, Got       11
x =   46: Exp       8.71, Got        6
x =   47: Exp       6.97, Got        5
x =   48: Exp       5.58, Got        2
x =   49: Exp       4.46, Got        7
x =   50: Exp       3.57, Got        5
x =   51: Exp       2.85, Got        4
x =   52: Exp       2.28, Got        3
x =   53: Exp       1.83, Got        1
x =   54: Exp       1.46, Got        1
x =   55: Exp       1.17, Got        0
x =   56: Exp       0.94, Got        1

[==== Statistics ====]
Mean    : Exp     5.00, Got     5.00
Variance: Exp    20.00, Got    19.98

That's not too bad 😃. Different seeds will produce marginally different results, but we were unable to observe any wildly unlikely outputs during testing. As long as you take the time to validate the behavior of $urandom, this should be good enough for production usage.


Modeling transaction interarrival time is an underdeveloped corner of the SystemVerilog language, and associated verification methodologies. However, this facility is critical for exercising design flow control. In this article, we have explained how to implement a high quality, dependency-free implementation of the geometric random probability distribution. This distribution can be used to model any testbench component that requires random wait or delay cycles, such as interarrival or service times.

We recommend you use this implementation as part of a library of plug and play random distributions. For example, you might need to swap in a vanilla deterministic model, or you might have a special need for something more exotic such as the Erlang distribution, or perhaps the well-known Normal distribution (ie the Bell Curve). There is no "correct" model for all needs, but we hope this contribution helps engineers improve their methodology, and inspire them to take a more systematic approach to testbench transaction scheduling.